Öner Family, which has been engaged in producing and commerce of honey for over 30 years, institutionalized with "ÖNER BEE PRODUCTS LTD STI" which states in İzmir, the first honey filling factory brought to life.

Öner Bee Products who took work in Pınarbaşı-İzmir with a very small filling caldron in first days, founded his own integrated honey collecting, pasteurization and filling factory in Menemen-İzmir in 1998.
This factory recently has taken place between the most modern and popular honey companies in Europe by its automatic pasteurization system which was completely renewed at the beginning of 2005 and can pasteurize 9 tonnes of honey per hour and whose duplicate is only between 10 companies in Europe, each has 3 homogenization tanks which has 25 tonnes of capacity and full automatic filling system which can make an automatic intact fillings of 12.000 jars per hour.

Öner Bee Products Laboratories who always aim perfection, working with the laboratories (APPLICA-Germany, Aegean University-ARGEFAR) who is equipped with advanced technology, always renewing and developing itself and experts in producing honey, first obtains every type of microscopic, chemical, microbiological, sensorial and purity analysis (C-13), then pasteurization and for the final it's always repeated until it's ready for selling and only after this, it takes place on shop shelves.

Except the special trademark products produced for some important factory like as KİPA, DIA, BIM and GIMA, with their own trademark named HONEY HOUSE and ARBAL, they are received by the consumers with their suitable prices and selected from precious regions of our country and filled in the healtiest intact conditions and tested.

Öner Bee Products always aim to present the best for the consumers by continious new researches and investments.

* Öner Arı and Gelişim College is, Öner Gruop Company

  Öner Arı Ürünleri Reçel San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. © 2005
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Designing & Programming by Ekare Yazılım © 2005
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FROM THE WORKERS OF NATURE - Enjoy a visit to the land of HONEYHOUSE, where you can find interesting information about honey and beekeeping; also our factory and products: chestnut, linden, thyme, pine honey... Honeyhouse, Honey House, Engin, ayar, engin ayar, enginayar, bal, petek, polen, arı, bee, honey, countryside, öner, öner arı, öner arıcılık, arıcılık, pastörize bal, kavanoz bal, pretty bal, pratty bal, prati, prati bal, tarif, recipe, Designing & Programming by Ekare Yazılım © 2005